Graphic Novel Watch: Ian King’s: Pies


“Blessed are the forgetful, for they get the better even of their blunders”

There was an unexpected surprise waiting for me on my doormat today…


At first I thought it might be a kick-starter reward, but felt a little light to be any of the ones I’m expecting. Turns out it was a copy of Ian King’s graphic novel, Pies. Thanks in part to both long international shipping times and my terrible memory I’d entirely forgotten that I’d ordered it.

In the few articles I’ve written over the last half a year I’ve already mentioned rrufurr and the artists involved quite a lot. With my particular interest in the anthropomorphic side of comics and the sheer amount of talent on offer with these guys, I doubt this will be the last time either.

Ian King is another artist whose work I first encountered through the rrufurr but had been reluctant to order Pies after finding out it was completely and utterly wordless. Ridiculous I know, but for the price I wrongly worried it would be something I’d breeze through within a few minutes. It was only a fantastic praise filled review from Matt Healey over at Hooded Utilitarian and $30 sitting around in paypal, burning a hole in my digital pocket that finally persuaded me to order it. I’m a real sucker for a beautiful print edition, and without even tackling the story or artwork, Pies is gorgeously presented. Thick card stock, textured cover, sharp printing all make it a stunning graphic novel.

I won’t delve much into the story, only to say that the review I’ve linked above does it far more justice then I ever could but I will say that my initial worries about it being wordless are completely unfounded. It’s truly astounding in how it conveys emotions and evokes a distinct dreamlike feeling throughout.



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